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- Strcmp In C
- C++ Strcmp Example
Strcmp In C

C++ Strcmp Example
String ในภาษา c/c ในภาษา c/c ตัวแปร String คือการนําตัวแปรชนิด char หลายๆตัวมาต่อกัน หรืออาจจะเรียกว่า char array โดยจะบอกจุดสิ้นสุดของ String ด้วยตัวอักษร(char) '0'. Strcmp in C/C strcmp is a built-in library function and is declared in header file. This function takes two strings as arguments and compare these two strings lexicographically. Jul 03, 2009 if you're using std::string, you don't need strcmp, you can just use strcmp is for c-style strings (char arrays). Note that if str1 or str2 are missing a null-termination character, then strcmp may not produce valid results. For a similar (and safer) function that includes explicit bounds checking, see strncmp. Related topics memcmp - strcat - strchr - strcoll - strcpy - strlen - strncmp - strxfrm. Fungsi 'strcmp' sering digunakan untuk 'mengakali' kekurangan C dalam menyeleksi atau membandingkan sebuah data string, dengan data string yang lain. Kekurangan tersebut ialah dimana C hanya mampu menyeleksi data bertipe bilangan bulat (tipe Int, Longint), dan data berupa karakter tunggal (tipe Char). Strcmp in C/C. Vst plugin fruity balance download. The function strcmp is a built-in library function and it is declared in “string.h” header file. This function is used to compare the string arguments. It compares strings lexicographically which means it compares both the strings character.
P: n/a | 'muser' <ch**********@hotmail.com> wrote in message news:f9**************************@posting.google.c om.. The following error appears: 'strcmp' : cannot convert parameter 1 from 'char' to 'const char *'. I've already tried using single quotations. the header file only contains the struct contents. The whole program is part of an example found in my course work. Does strcmp only compare two sets of strings or can it be used to determine the end of the string as well? #include<iostream> #include<iomanip> #include<cstdlib> #include<cstring> #include 'program2v.h' using namespace std; int main() { crecord *string1, *string2, t_str; *string1 = t_str; Uhm, 'string1' is a wild pointer, and you are just mighty lucky you did not blow up your program right here. Make sure 'string1' and 'string2' point to valid objects before working with them. /// the error while( strcmp(*string1->customername, '0')) { *string2 = *string1 + 1; Same here. You are dereferencing pointer with an unknown value .. while( strcmp(*string2->customername, '0')) What are you trying to do? 'strcmp', as the name suggests, takes two strings (ie. char-arrays) and compares them. It looks like you want to compare plain chars? If so, do this: while (*string2->customername != '0') { if(strcmp( *string1->customername, *string2->customername) > 0 ) What is the type of crecord::customername? char* ? { t_str = *string1; *string1 = *string2; *string2 = t_str; } string2++; } string1++; } return 0; } No offense, but I suggest you get a good tutorial online or a book before coding more. From that snippet above, you seem to be confused by pointers and objects and string manipulation. hth -- jb (replace y with x if you want to reply by e-mail) |